Representative Projects

Forest Management Plans for Forest Ag

Provides forest management services for landowners participating in the Colorado State Forest Service (CSFS) Forest Agriculture Classification Program (Forest Ag) under Title 39 of the Colorado Revised Statutes. This program allows forested lands of at least 40 acres similar tax valuation as that of agricultural lands and requires program participants manage their lands to produce marketable wood products. Services provided under this program include coordinating with the CSFS, conducting forest inventories, developing Forest Stewardship Management Plans, and providing recommendations for forest management activities, including implementation schedules and annual work plans.

Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Plans

Prepared Wildfire Hazard Mitigation Plans for landowners developing commercial use on their properties. This included documentation of existing fuels and hazards that may affect the proposed developments and the safety of the public and emergency responders. Recommended appropriate wildfire mitigation measures such as shaded fuelbreaks along access routes and driveways, fuels reduction thinning, and fire protection-specific measures required by the local jurisdictional fire departments.

Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

Contributing author for this high-profile project in a community that had recently been affected by a severe fire event where two lives, over 500 homes, and over 140,000 acres were lost or destroyed. The CWPP provides strategies that can be implemented by community leaders, residents, and fire professionals that will better prepare the community for future wildlife events.

Hydroelectric Project Environmental Assessment

Conducted field studies at remote sites in the rain forest of Guyana, South America to evaluate potential impacts of a proposed large-scale hydroelectric plant to endemic fishes. Characterized the habitat requirements of these endemic species and determined if similar habitat exists in water bodies that would not be affected by the project. Also, authored sections of the environmental and social impact assessment for the proposed project.

Utah Mining Site

Managed the ERA for a former mining site in Utah. Served as field team leader for the ecological evaluation of this site, including study design, and sampling of fish, invertebrates, vegetation, surface water, pore water, and sediment to evaluate the effects of metals on ecological receptors at an onsite wetland and pond. Also, conducted a streamlined ecological risk evaluation as part of the Engineering Evaluation/Cost Analysis (EE/CA) for two operable units to determine risks to ecological receptors from exposure to metals, and to determine if response actions would be needed to address such risks.

Montana Industrial and Mining Sites

Managed the ecological risk assessments for former industrial plant and mining sites in Montana. Designed the comprehensive ecological risk assessment work plans and supporting field studies to determine if metals in water, sediment, soil, and biota had the potential to cause adverse effects in ecological receptors at the sites. The projects included development of food web models for wildlife receptors, threatened and endangered species consultations, and negotiations with regulatory agencies including U.S. EPA Region 8, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Montana Department of Environmental Quality.

Natural Resource Damage Assessment

Supported the development of expert reports, injury assessments, and restoration planning for several high-profile Natural Resource Damage Assessments (NRDA). Developed ecological profiles for resources of special interest including threatened and endangered species, and developed preliminary injury assessments and restoration options for various resources. Evaluated ecological injury and damage claims and designed and conducted field studies including habitat evaluation, bird, benthic, and fish community surveys.